End Of The Road Development Blog 3
This is the development blog of my upcoming game; End of the Road, a flying car race & chase game set in the futuristic Mars City.
Further progress has been made in the game, and it is nearing completion for the submission date. Since the last post, more textures have been added, the mafia chase AI has been improved and balanced, music and sound effects have been added and a more fitting main menu background has been created.

The music was sauced from https://www.dl-sounds.com/ & one of the tracks was created by my Dad.
The sound effects were sourced from https://freesound.org/ and the shooting sound was created by me using sounds of a battery hitting concrete and then edited in Audacity. These were then set to trigger on awake on each bullet prefab. The music system works using a sound manager object that plays the sounds when triggered. When this is loaded when the level is loaded, it then generates a random number and plays the track with that number. This means that at the start of playing the level, the audiomanager chooses a random song and plays it on loop and whenever the player restarts the level, they get a new random song to play when playing.
The only things left to get done on the game for the submission is the mafia car's texture.